Amanda Rose Hale

Name: Amanda Rose Hale
Nickname(s): Mandy (parents & everyone), Ady (Zed)
Birthday: December 9th
Age: 17 (stopped aging)
Height: 5' 3"
Status: Alive
Species: Half-Human / Half-Vampire Hybrid
School: Private School - S. B. High
Christine Newton & Peter Hale - Parents
Claire R. Carson, Carson J. Carson, June C. Carson - Older Half Siblings
Mike & Jessica Newton (Maternal Granparents), Rosalie Hale & Emmett McCartney (Paternal Grandparents), Esme & Carlisle Cullen (Great Paternal Grandparents)
Edward & Isabella Cullen (Paternal Granduncle & Grandaunt), Alice Cullen & Jasper Hale (Paternal Grandaunt & Granduncle), Renesmee Cullen (Paternal Second Cousin once removed), Chandler Evans (Paternal Second Cousin once removed in-law), Janessa Stanley (Maternal Second Cousin once removed), Alice Stanley (Maternal Second Cousin once removed), Hazel Stanley (Maternal Second Cousin once removed), Blake Evans (cousin), Grace Evans (cousin)
Zed Evans (boyfriend - zombie), Brianna James (best friend), Bryan Hansley (zed's friend | brianna's boyfriend | friend - zombie), Emma Hansley (bryan's step-sister | zed's friend | bestie - zombie), Willa (bestie - werewolf - different type), Wyatt (bestie - werewolf - different type), Whittney (bestie - werewolf - different type), A-spen (friend - alien), A-lan (friend - alien) , A-li (friend - alien), Stella Marone (blake's friend | friend by default), Lily West (blake's friend | friend by default), Tristan Langley (blake's friend | friend by default), Jace Ellis (blake's friend | friend by default)
Likes: family, friends, cheerleading, new friendsDislikes: rude people, descrimation on other species other then human, being different from all her friends (minus A-lan, A-spen & A-li).


Amanda is a petite young girl, only standing at 5'3" and 101 lbs. She has blue eyes, thanks to her father and blonde hair from her mother.She does change her hair color a ton, to either white or blue, depending on the school year.
White - 11th grade & part of 12th grade
Blue - 12th grade

Story (minus school years)

Amanda was born to Christine and Peter on December 9th, 2033, nine months after their honeymoon. Although, she was nothing like Renesmee, who was fully grown by the year 2013. She grew at a normal pace.A few months after she was born her half-siblings father was starting to be a major problem, and her parents ended up seeing more and more of her half-siblings, and then by the time Mandy turned 2 years old, her parents had full custody of her three half-siblings.Amanda grew up going to school and having a normal childhood, minus the family issues that were always around. Mandy never knew much of her mother's side of the family, minus Hunter Carson who was her half-siblings' father, all because her mother's parents were odd people and so were her mother's cousins, but she knew more of her mother's cousins then she did of her own grandparents.


Amanda's a very kind a caring young girl, although she knows she can go to her parents to fix anything she's either messed up or otherwise screwed up since they'd never allow anything to happen to her.She does though in fact stand up for what she believes, regardless of what people may think of her.She does have competition in her heart, since she's a driven young girl when it comes to cheer. Her cousin (Blake) got her into cheer and made her practice hard to get into cheer. And then the cheer team became hers in 12th grade, so she's driven and determined to win any cheer competition placed ahead of her and the team.

School Years

Sophmore YearAge: 15Addison went to S.B. High for her 10th grade year. She went with Blake, her cousin. Yes her cousin is a year older then her, but he didn't start Kindergarden until he was six, to stick with her, and protect her (much help :\ ) .That year, the private school had opened their doors to a species of "monsters" (if only her and her cousin were known out). The species was Zombies, which seemed to be bad since everyone was afraid of them, even her loser of a cousin, then again her cousin hated anyone and anything that didn't revolve around him.One day, one of the zombies found himself out of the school's basement, and then the alarm was set, to warn everyone about the rouge zombie, and to let the authorities know they needed help, so Mandy went to one of the safe rooms, which unknown to her the zombie went in to stay hidden. She did end up punching him after the lights in the safe room turned on. She realized then that zombies weren't in fact bad, but her cousin and his friends found her, and then awkwardly her cousin pulled her out of the room, by wrapping his arms around her.As time went on, she found herself falling for this zombie, the zombies were allowed to integrate into the school and she even tried stopping the authorities from taking Zed, Bryan and Emma, but it wasn't to much prevail, they went away for a few days, before they were returned to their part of town. The zombies weren't going to be allowed to come back to school, but they ended up saving the cheer competition since Blake fired most of the squad, so the team was falling apart right in front of a large audience.The zombies then after were accepted in everywhere. They were then allowed to go to school, and anywhere the humans went.

Junior Year
Age: 16
The prior year, the school dealt with zombies and accepted them, but none of them realized there were more monsters out there, but Blake always spoke of the "monsters in the forest" just outside of the school grounds, but no one took much thought into his words since he made most of everything he "read" or "heard" as a lie. But he was right.The "monsters in the forest" made themselves be known when the cheer team was coming back to school from summer sheer camp, since they all almost died, as the bus nearly killed Zed when they took him out on his ladder, then swerved off the road, through the gates that read "STAY OUT" and crashed into a tree. Then Amanda got off the bus nearly immediately after they crashed, although the one who got off first was Blake. She only got off because of Zed, since they hit him, and when she went to find him, she heard movement and then realized she wasn't alone, none of them were. She then saw one of the "monsters in the forest", as they hallowed then disappeared into the darkness again.She knew what she saw was a werewolf, but they were different from those in Forks, as she's seen those types of werewolves before, but these were native to Spokane it would seem. But they all seemed to have been around the day Mandy saw them, since they saw her dyed hair, thinking she was some sort of "great leader" of theirs, which led to them coming into the school's territory and to the school to take Mandy. But that day their plan failed, since Zed realized by the second they barged into the gym that they were after Mandy, and he made the football team all rally around Mandy to protect her, and he was about to protect her with Emma's help.Although the night that the wolves made themselves known, they went for Mandy at her house, which led to Mandy following them out to the forest, which was called forbidden for a very good reason. The wolves' Wyatt explained to her what they thought she was, and she was kind of confused and taken aback, but went along with them, which only led to Brianna, Bryan, Zed and Emma tracking her phone, then running off to the forest to "save" her. The wolves did transform Mandy's wardrobe into something they'd wear, which only led to Zed thinking they were taking her into their colt, which led to him zombing out to protect her.That following day, things led to another, and the wolves told Mandy to leave them alone, before going to find the school's major energy source, which was being run by their stone, which was going to be destroyed in the demolition of the factory. But the authorities arrested them all, which lucky for them Mandy never listened, especially after hearing the alarm going off warning the students to stay inside, but all the zombies and the whole cheer team, and a few other students all came with Brianna and Mandy to the factory to save the wolves.At the end, they got the stone after the factory had been blown up, and everything ended on a good note. Blake was the school president now (which wasn't really good for the school), Mandy was now the cheer captain and the wolves were now accepted by everyone. Even Willa accepted Mandy into their "pack" and gave the "great alpha" 's moonstone necklace, marking her as one of theirs.

Senior YearAge: 17Now that the werewolves were now accepted into the school, they were in football and cheer as well as any of the other activities at school, and teams. Everything was going just fine and was good and everything else.But, the one thing that wasn't was that "monsters" weren't allowed to apply for college, which was unfortunate, since Mandy had already been accept into college, without much trying since the college that S.B. High fed into already knew all the students from the High School and was already accepting students left and right. Zed did want to go to college with Mandy, so he was trying to figure out ways to, but then a recruiter for the college heard of Zed and what he's done for the football team, and was planning on recruiting him. The recruiter planned on recruiting him the night of the football game, but things took a turn quickly.As a UFO fell into the atmosphere of the school's territory and the grounds of Spokane, which was really bad, since the ship sent beams down to the ground, blowing things up left and right, nearly taking out a ton of people, but never once hit where Mandy was, until Zed went to save her from the beam that was slightly shining on her, and the falling apart road.Regardless of the ruin all around them, she still tried to find herself trying to defend the new visitors as "could be friends", since she wanted to see the good in everyone. The authorities did show up since they all sent the alarm, which warned them about the danger that they needed to come save them all from. The new visitors were arrested after saying they were there for the cheer competition, and thanks to Mandy, they weren't sent back into space where they came from, which made the wolves mad since the new visitors were doing things they shouldn't. Although the night they made enemies with the wolves, and were beamed back up to their mother ship, Mandy somehow got caught in one of the beams from inside the cheer building, and no one heard her screaming for help, as she was beamed up to the mother ship too, where Zed was.One thing led to another and after the aliens nearly zapped her, it turned out the reason Mandy was beamed up was because somewhere far down her line on her mother's side, she held alien blood inside of her, which led them to give her one of their gadgets to see if she at all held their magic, which it seemed she didn't.The next day was when Zed got recruiting meeting as an exceptional student into college, but that ended poorly once again, and this time it came from Mandy, since she was there with Zed, trying to get the recruiter to see there was nothing wrong with Zed, her father or sister, and that Zed should be recruited. But, given the gadget the aliens gave Mandy, she zapped Zed about three times and the last one, really messed up his z-band which he had to this time swipe the screen on the band to go back to normal.Mandy had to put some cleaning gloves on after that to keep her from messing up the hopeful last chance for Zed, which was just him stopping the recruiter and explaining how his friends and family were all exceptional and how they all deserved a chance. Which led to him being accepted on the night of the cheer competition. Which led to the wolves realizing why the aliens were there and them having Blake call the authorities, and they then showed up at the competition. Zed had to try and save the aliens and stand in the dark when Mandy and the cheer team won the cup, which then led to Willa coming onto the stage with Mandy and the team, blaming Mandy for accepting the aliens, and then one thing led to another and Mandy ran off the stage, and Zed pushed her in front of him as the aliens and Mandy all ran outside, with Zed following. Which then a ton of people all followed.The wolves did cause destruction with their moonstone necklaces which led to the beam of the mother ship not being able to beam the aliens back up to the ship, which led to Zed and his sister having to zombie out to try and protect the aliens, but Mandy got the wolves to stop being she chose to do what she did, and she then held the gadget from the aliens, and held it, before a light struck Mandy from inside the gadget which transformed her into an outfit similar to the aliens and her hair went blue. The wolves all stood there, wanting to protect Mandy, but the second Mandy spoke the words they all feared she would, they knew they couldn't protect her, especially if her blood does tie into the aliens.But the cup didn't have what they aliens wanted and Mandy nearly killing Zed with the star dust spark within, she then realized she was what the aliens were looking for, which was then confirmed, but Willa damn near threw a fit and so did Zed when they realized the aliens were going to need to take Mandy when they leave. Mandy was prepared to go with them.The following day, the aliens, wolves, zombies and large amount of the students all paired together to get the mother ship to be able to turn on again and repair after the moonstones destroyed the ship, which led to Mandy being the organic conduit for the star dust magic and the moonstone magic, which led to her letting go, but Zed was going to sacrifice himself, which did get the ship to run again, which didn't kill him luckily since Mandy used the star dust spark to absorb most of the magic going through Zed, to absorb into her. Then the ship was ready to leave, which Zed then had to say goodbye to her.After a while of being in space with the aliens on the ship, and them being unable to extract the coordinates from Mandy's DNA, Mandy then opened their eyes to where they all belonged and they went back to Earth, which reunited Mandy with Zed and her friends, and family.
They now all live in peace, and the aliens and monsters were all accepted into college if they wished to go to college.